Photo Jan 25, 12 14 55 PM

Setting Students up for Success

The Stamford Public Education Foundation (SPEF)’s College and Career Readiness programs provide support services that help strengthen students’ academic success and social-emotional well-being as they move ahead on their personal journey towards post-graduate success. Whether this means furthering their education, securing a job, or something more, SPEF works collaboratively with Stamford Public Schools and community partners to ensure that students have a strong foundation to help them thrive after graduation. By providing age-specific programming based on individualized needs, SPEF  helps students form productive habits and build life skills that will serve them long after graduation.  

SPEF programming fosters growth for students who face systematic barriers. All SPEF staff are equipped with skills to monitor and support the social-emotional needs of students.

To learn more, click on one of the College & Career Readiness programs below:

Middle School Mentoring Program

Service-Learning for Elementary School Students

Tutor U

Math Lab
