STAMFORD, CT – January 25, 2018 – The Stamford Public Education Foundation (SPEF) today announced that it has received funding from the Pitney Bowes Foundation in support of its Stamford Mentoring Program, the Parent Leadership Training Institute (PLTI), and the Stamford All-School Musical Production.
The Foundation grant will help SPEF expand and improve its nationally recognized Stamford Mentoring Program, which provides students who are in need of additional academic and/or social support with the resources and guidance they need to be successful. At the elementary level, SPEF’s Service-Learning Mentoring integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the classroom experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. At the middle and high school levels, SPEF partners students with college and corporate volunteers to focus on goal setting, academic engagement, and college and career readiness. In the 2016-17 academic year, SPEF provided mentoring to nearly 900 students in grades 3 – 12 across 16 of Stamford’s public schools.
The Foundation also provided SPEF with agrant to support the Stamford Parent Leadership Training Institute (PLTI). PLTI is an initiative aimed to improve the lifelong health, safety, and learning of Stamford’s children by empowering parents and other adults to become advocates in the community. The program helps parents develop leadership skills that they can use to advocate for their children in the school district, community, and local government. Nineteen weekly training classes are provided to participants at no cost and the participants’ children, ages 5 and older, are invited to take part in the Children’s Leadership Training Institute (CLTI).
Additionally, the Foundation provided a donation in support of the 2017 Stamford All-School Musical production of “The Wizard of Oz.” Now in its 11th year, the Stamford All-School Musical is sponsored by the Stamford Public Schools and provides Stamford students with a unique, afterschool musical theater program. The program presents a full-scale, professional level musical each year, and the Pitney Bowes Foundation’s donation aided in the five-night production in December.
The Pitney Bowes Foundation is a continued supporter of literacy and education programs that encourage reading, help close the academic achievement gap, and prepare students for future success. With generous support from civic-minded companies such as Pitney Bowes, SPEF is able to expand its programming to provide services to more students, parents, and leaders in the Stamford community.