- April 12, 2016 – Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County – Twenty 11th and 12th grade mentors from Stamford High School work with thirty-nine 5th graders from Julia A. Stark Elementary School on their culminating project. During their visit to the Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County, students learn about the importance of food banks for the community and help the organization receive food donations from the community. See attached photos.
- April 14, 2016 – Catholic Charities’ Senior Nutrition Program – Thirty-nine 11th and 12th grade mentors from Westhill High School work with sixty-four 3rd graders from Roxbury Elementary School on their culminating project focusing on building character strength. Students and mentors will decorate placemats which will be distributed to program recipients from Catholic Charities’ Senior Nutrition Program. On April 14th at 9:20am the Director of the Senior Nutrition Program, Maureen Neuberger, will attend the mentoring session with a nutritionist from the Senior Nutrition Program to explain the impact of their work and making healthy choices. (PHOTO-OP)
- April 19, 2016 – Mill River Park – Twenty-seven UConn-Stamford students from Dr. Monica Miller-Smith’s Low Income Families and Family-School Partnership courses work with 102 3rd graders from Hart Magnet Elementary School work on their culiminating project focusing on the environment. SPEF is partnering with Uconn-Stamford and Mill River Collaborative to host a park cleanup (rain date April 28th) at Mill River Park to celebrate Earth Day. The two clean-up sessions will be from 9:30-10:45 and from 12:30-1:45. Students will weed, plant, and mulch. (PHOTO-OP)
- April 21, 2016 – Edgehill Senior Living Facility – Forty-two 9th and 10th grade mentors from JM Wright Technical School’s Health Technology and Building Maintenance Departments work with thirty-nine 3rd graders from Davenport Ridge Elementary School on their culminating project focusing on civic engagement for Edgehill residents. Students worked with their mentors to create artwork for Edgehill residents. Representatives from Edgehill will join mentors and mentees in a wrap-up celebration and to receive artwork at 10:00 a.m. (PHOTO-OP)